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Ross Mayfield

Cool! Added them here:


Excellent, thanks for updating the Wiki, Ross!


I also found this interesting gem from Ashwin Navin on the importance of mission:

Forbes Magazine Article: "Yin Yang, Big Bang"

Rich Karlgaard writes: "Google and Wal-Mart have become huge successes in vastly different ways. But the yin and yang have this in common:

  • Each company has a simple mission. Wal-Mart's is "always low prices." Google's is "to organize the world's information and make it universally accessible and useful." These companies know who they are

  • The brand and the mission statement of each are aligned. Picture Google and Wal-Mart in your head. There's no confusion about what these companies do.

  • Each company's offerings are dirt-simple to use. Shopping at Wal-Mart does not take a heroic intellectual effort. But neither does using Google, even though the search engine behind the curtain is the product of a prodigious intellectual feat..."


I've always been a fan of anchoring a company, division, group, or even my life to a mission statement. One should know if a single action takes him closer or further from that mission. Jeff Weiner taught me this when he was running Corpdev at Yahoo! Now he's running Search and I think data suggests he's doing a great job. I'm pretty sure he still spends a good chunk of time thinking about strategic direction as much as he does day-to-day tactical matters.

What's your mission?

Excellent question. And one every entrepreneur should ask herself or himself regularly.


Now he's running Search and I think data suggests he's doing a great job. see free dating

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