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Why are you still in January?!?!?!?


He is still in January because he is a serious hacker doing serious things that will probably change the world, unlike a lot of bloggers who bullshit about bullshit (like Russell Beattie who cackles endlessly about mobile phones to the point that he tries to convince others that he's a mobile phone guru). The true guru is the fellow who runs this blog and says things once in a great while that have a lot of meaning and thought behind them!


I'm still in January because there's a post I started writing on January 18 that I haven't finished that's clogging up this typepad's pipeline.

I wish I could attribute something more intelligent to it than that. ;)

Anyhoo, I'm almost done with it. And then I can hopefully quickly return to the present and once again blog in real-time.


I take it you are still busy...


Wow, this blog hasn't been updated for awhile...what's the latest scoop?

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