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Sean Murphy

There's a streaming video of the 2004 New Yorker Festival: Malcolm Gladwell's Blink: The Power of Thinking Without Thinking available on C-SPAN's BookTV site to tide you over until the book arrives. IT Conversations caught his talk on Human Nature at PopTech in October that's also worth a listen. In addition two books by Gary Klein (Klein Associates)

are based on solid "naturalistic decision making" research and offer a model for decision making that's extremely useful. Klien is also quoted in a recent Science News article Reworking Intuition and a September 2000 Fast Company article "What's Your Intuition" that outlines his researc methods and his concept of the "pre-mortem."


-califragilistic doesn't bind especially well (or poorly) with either Yahoo- or Google-. Yahoo- has been around longer, but Google has been more on people's minds recently, so it's plausible there are more Yahoo- incidents overall, but more Google- incidents recently. If Yahoo's relatively newer full-web indexing effort is as yet shallower and more biased towards 'recent' content, it could explain that discrepancy.

-licious binds better with Googl- because there's already an 'l', and even a "gell" sound rhyming with "dell", so it's a construction more likely to be at the tip of people's typing fingers.


Hmmm... since your post hits on Googlecalifragilisticexpialidocious have dropped on Google, but more than doubled on Yahoo.

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